pine river provincial fishing area ice storm winter photo

Trying To Photograph After An Ice Storm At Pine River Provincial Fishing Area

Snow storms don’t do it for me, as far as winter photography goes. It just seems there’s a major lack of contrast and everything’s, well, white. But, an ice storm, that’s something different. We had a bit of a major freezing rain storm at the start of January, 2020 in Central Ontario. I tried to…Continue reading Trying To Photograph After An Ice Storm At Pine River Provincial Fishing Area


Starburst Effect: How Your f/Stop (Aperture Size) Affects Your Outcome

The ‘starburst effect’ is all the rage these days. Well, maybe not ‘the rage’ but it is pretty popular. This is the effect when a picture is taken at night and the lights seem to burst. The official name is ‘diffraction spikes’. Sure, you can get filters for images taken with your cell phone that…Continue reading Starburst Effect: How Your f/Stop (Aperture Size) Affects Your Outcome