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Home » How Important Is Your Health And Fitness For Travel?

How Important Is Your Health And Fitness For Travel?

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I’ve started a bit of a side project. I considered making health and fitness articles a regular thing here at It’s About Travelling. Instead, I’ve started a separate site.

Optimum Health. Optimum Travel.” is a site chronicling my journey to optimum health and fitness, along with super immunity. Why? I believe when we can start really travelling again, our health is going to be far more important that ever before.

Could you imagine heading down to the Caribbean right now and coming down with COVID-19? You would be separated from your family. You would be put into isolation, regardless of the severity of your condition. Insurance may or may not cover your extended stay.

The scenario that went through my head a couple months ago was a trip to Cuba going terribly wrong. The unpredictability of a country stuck in the 1950’s in quite predictable. If you happened to test positive on the mandatory testing when you arrive at one of their airports, the consequences would be dire.

What Am I Doing About It?

If you listen to our government and the press, they’re full of half baked advice for you not to come in contact with this virus. However, almost never do they suggest what you can do to become as far from ‘vulnerable’ as possible. Turns out, fast food and alcohol don’t lead to great health. Yet, these businesses are the busiest in 2020 and seem to be actually promoted by the government.

I’m in my early 50’s. I have been vegetarian for 12 years. I started out vegan but, along the way, allowed dairy (cheese) back into the system. Back in mid-October, I returned fully to my vegan ways. I swore off grains and sugar (which basically is any restaurant food). I returned to not eating at night (after 4pm at the latest, actually).

I’m down 25+ pounds in the span of just 5-6 weeks. I am no longer a fat vegetarian. I am a fit vegan, something I haven’t been in about a decade. And, thanks to proper nutritional research and planning, I am never hungry.

I actually have an action plan of a dozen or more new habits that I’ve created in order to become optimally fit. I call the whole plan my ‘lifestyle shift’.

I’m not doing this to preach or brag and gloat. I’m doing this to inform anyone who wants to simply be healthier that there is an easy way. You don’t need to be a vegan. It’s all in what you don’t eat, though, and when you eat what you do.

Check Out The New Site

Looking to make a Lifestyle Shift? Or, are you just looking to drop a few pounds so you look good on the beach? Check out the new site. There might be some information there that will get you over the hump.

Eat less, move more is the advice constantly given to lose weight. It doesn’t work. You can’t just reduce your caloric intake to lose weight or simply exercise it away. It might work in the short term but your metabolism simply soon adjusts and you’re either at a standstill, starving to death or on the weight gain wagon again.

It’s about what you eat and when you eat it. The one habit, above all else, that I’ve adopted that does the most good is what I call Night Fasting. What it’s professionally called is intermittent fasting or the 16/8 fast. It simply means not eating after dinner. You have a feeding window for eight hours or less per day. You don’t eat anything for 16 (hopefully eight of those are while you’re sleeping). This is the one habit that controls your insulin levels and controls your weight gain.

Anyway, if you want to see more of what I’m doing for my health and fitness, check it out: Optimum Health. Optimum Travel.

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