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Metro Photo Challenge 2013 Entries

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metro photo challenge 2013

I need you. I won’t bullshit you and say I just want you to look at my pretty pictures. I need your vote on my pretty pictures to have a chance at winning the 2013 Metro Photo Challenge.

How do you vote? Click on any one of the six images below and you will be taken my profile page at the Metro Photo Challenge official website. Once there, just find the vote button and click. You can also share via Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest – the social media share is valued as a vote, as well.

Check out my first entry in the 2015 contest: 2015 Metro Photo Challenge

So… What is the Metro Photo Challenge? Metro is the free newspaper you get in major cities around the world. I know, in Toronto, Metro litters each station along the subway.

The Metro Photo Challenge is an annual photography contest, open to citizens of the world. The thousands (225,000 in 2012) of images are weeded down to just 60, based on votes. At this point, a jury weeds the total down further to 12, then to 6, then to just 1 for the Grand Prize.

In 2012, the Grand Prize was a photography trip to Greenland. In 2013, the Grand Prize is an eight day trip to Ghana, West Africa.

The Metro Photo Challenge was first started in 2004. Digital media has truly allowed for the possibility of a world wide competition.

If you have been around It’s About Travelling before, some of these images might look very similar to some already posted on articles at the sight. The top image is of the hydro electric weir at Port Dalhousie in St. Catherines, Ontario. Images two and three were taken at Muskoka High Falls, just north of Bracebridge, Ontario. The flower images, above and below, were taken at my own home. The above is a morning glory and below is a rose of sharon. The final image was taken this past weekend at Elora Gorge Conservation Area along the Grand River.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to vote. There will be more entries from me before the contest closes. I know the odds of winning are pretty slim with so many entries from so many photographers. There was around 80,000 different photographers in 2012. However, it would be such an honour to even be one of the 60 finalists.

I entered in 2012, as well. It was my first year competing. Somehow, my article at It’s About Travelling showcasing my 2012 entries ranked, and still ranks, on the front page of Google for the search term Metro Photo Challenge 2012. Click that link to check out what I submitted last year and how it compares to this year. Hopefully, there is a visible improvement in my photograhy skills!


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