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Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls

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maid of the mist niagara falls ontario

I have to admit, I have been going to Niagara Falls, Ontario on daytrips since the early 1970’s. I have never been on the Maid of the Mist until just a few years ago. There was always the impression that the boat trip to the base of Niagara Falls was much too costly and the lineups would be unbelievable.

For more pictures, see slideshow at bottom of this article.

(Click to enlarge any of the pictures)

What a huge mistake all those years! The price is no more than any of the cheezy attractions on Clifton Hill. The lineup was manageable, we waited through one launch and were some of the first people on the next boat. The experience was exhilarating!

The boat leaves from around the point where Clifton Hill meets the Niagara River, on the Canadian side and directly across the river on the American side. With the Canadian dollar at par, for the 2012 season it is financially beneficial to take the boat from Niagara Falls, New York.

Get a spot on the left or ‘port’ side of the boat, the closer to the front the better. Taking a waterproof camera is a really good idea as you will be entering the tempest of a great storm the closer the Maid of the Mist gets to the base of Niagara Falls.

As you head upstream, the boat will pass the American Falls on the left. As you get closer to the Horseshoe Falls, the boat will struggle against the current as the great cataract looms overhead. I believe, seeing Niagara Falls from the base is similar to seeing the Grand Canyon in person – pictures can never describe the sheer awesomeness!

The rates for 2012 from the Canadian side are $19.75 for adults and $12.65 for children 6-12. From Niagara Falls, New York, the rates are $15.50 for adults and $9.00 for children 6-12. Children 5 and under are free from both sides. During summer months, boats run from 9:00am to 7:00pm (approx.).

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