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Home » Humber Bay Park West: Outstanding Views Of Downtown Toronto

Humber Bay Park West: Outstanding Views Of Downtown Toronto

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humber bay park west toronto skyline sunrise

Humber Bay Park, one of the last parks on Lake Ontario on your way eastward toward downtown Toronto, Ontario where you still be alone with your camera at sunrise. Any further, and the parkways along the waterfront never seem to be void of human life. Far enough away to avoid crowds and even have a sense that you’re in nature. Close enough for some pretty awesome views of the downtown Toronto skyline.

I visited for sunrise on September 29, 2018. It almost didn’t happen because conditions weren’t exactly favourable when I woke up in Orangeville (to the northwest of the GTA) at 5am. I put my trust in the forecast and headed out the door anyway. Then, I almost turned around after getting into some heavy patches of fog on highway 10. I persevered and was definitely rewarded.

The cumulus clouds over Lake Ontario with clear skies over the mainland provided some really unique views around sunrise. The park wasn’t void of human life but the area where I was, around Etobicoke Point, was all mine. That is, except for the thriving skunk population. But, we all kept our distance and no one got sprayed.

We included this location in this Dreamstime blog article: Lake Ontario Sunrise Locations

Humber Bay Park West Video

The video below was taken the same morning as the photos above. It really is hard to believe the natural feel of the location with the downtown of one of North America’s largest cities so close. If you like what you see, please give the video a ‘Thumb’s Up’ in YouTube. If you love what you see, please consider subscribing to our YouTube Channel!

Humber Bay Park West Image Gallery

High resolution versions of these images and other photos from the same day are available at Dreamstime. Want to earn cash from your own photos? Why not sign up for free with Dreamstime and start submitting now: Become a paid photographer!

Humber Bay Park West

Humber Bay Park West is located at the junction of Mimico Creek and Lake Ontario, not far from downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This is part of a two piece park with Humber Bay Park East lying on the opposite shore of Mimico Creek. The west portion is the largest at 300 acres with the east covering 47 acres. Both provide excellent and unique views of the Toronto skyline.

The west park offers six trails, a leash-free dog park, five parking lots and washrooms. The parking will cost you if you visit during the day in peak season. However, for sunrise, you can keep your wallet in your pocket.

The park can be found by taking the Park Lawn Road exit off the Gardiner Expressway and heading south. At Lakeshore Boulevard, you can go straight through and into the east park. For Humber Bay Park West, turn right on Lakeshore and take your first left once you’ve crossed the creek.

The booming growth in high rise condominiums provides a unique view when looking inland. This area was once filled with seedy motels but is now becoming exponentially more dense with population as the towers go up.

Humber Bay Park East boasts ten trails on the smaller plot of land. There is just one parking lot but of a decent size.

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