baked ground beef roll recipe

Very Cheesy and Corny Ground Beef Roll

baked ground beef roll recipeI’m vegan but my family is not. Since becoming the stay-at-home dad recently, I’ve once again found my long lost love of cooking. I also have no job and no money. Therefore, the challenge is to provide some great food at a great price. This is hard to do when there are two teenagers and a ten month old at the dinner table.

Go to Bottom for Video Footage of this ‘Delicacy’!

I’m by no means turning this travel website into a cooking site. However, since I can’t travel so much, for the time being, I’m going to add in a few of my discoveries and re-discoveries in the culinary department. I am by no means a chef, but I am by no means a writer or photographer and my writing and images impresses one or two visitors here. Hopefully, my cooking productions will do the same.


To start…

Making rolls out of ground beef. They look tasty. They look kind of cool. They look hard to make. Are they? Not really. If I can do it, anyone can.

I made an awesome meat roll with ground chicken, spinach, mushrooms and cheddar last week and it was a monumental success. How can I tell if I don’t eat meat? People ate the leftovers. Leftovers usually sit uneaten in my fridge until garbage day and then they are thrown out.

I altered things a little with the Very Cheesy and Corny Ground Beef Roll. Basically, the meat portion stays the same (except this time it was beef and not chicken). The filling part is where you have creative freedom to do virtually anything. We had onions, a can of corn and cheddar cheese in the house. Therefore, Very Cheesy and Corny Ground Beef Roll was born.

Here’s the scoop (recipe):

Ground Beef Mix Ingredients

  • 1 lb of ground meat
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 cup bread crumbs

Filling Ingredients

  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 1 can yellow corn
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese

ground beef rawwhole wheat bread crumbsshredded cheddar cheeseminced garlic


  1. fry onion and corn in oil until onion is soft
  2. remove from heat and let cool
  3. mix all ground meat ingredients together in a large bowl
  4. spread foil on a baking sheet
  5. spread ground meat mix into a thin rectangle
  6. spread filling mix evenly over meat rectangle
  7. sprinkle cheese evenly on top of filling mix
  8. roll meat tightly in a roll
  9. transfer to a vented baking pan
  10. cook for 30-35 minutes at 375
  11. remove from oven and let stand for 5-10 minutes
  12. transfer to a serving plate and slice

paprika pepper salt oregano mixfried corn and onionground beef mixbaked ground beef roll

Note: I left this one in a little long at 40 minutes. That coupled with the fact I was using slightly less than a pound of meat left the roll slightly overcooked. It was not an issue, as the roll was completely devoured by two teenagers in about 5 minutes or less. However, 30-35 minutes is plenty of time.

baked ground beef roll corn cheddar cheese


The following video is of my adventure creating the Cheesy and Corny Ground Beef Roll. Because I used ‘Funiculi Funicula’ as background music, apparently the video is blocked in Germany. If you’re in Germany – sorry.




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