red rose

Garden Flowers Gone Wild

As I’m still sequestered at home in Orangeville, Ontario with little income and a one year old, I continue to shrink my world of photography, as well. I never used to give a crap about the gardens my wife was planting around the house. Now, I’m realizing that when one can’t travel off to explore new worlds, one may have a whole new world available on his own modest property.

campanula carpatica

At first, I was going to post these images with a little story about how I still couldn’t care less what the flowers are called and if they’re perennials or annuals. But, as is my nature as a lazy perfectionist, I eventually began to pluck away through Google Images until they were all identified. I’m pretty sure I may have gotten them all identified correctly.

The above image is of a ‘Pearl White’ or campanula carpatica. This is a ‘bell flower’.

lychnis coronaria

The above are Rose Campion or Lychnis Coronaria. The blossoms in the image are the true colours, while the background obviously has been enhanced. The colour is considered rose magenta. The colour is so saturated that in a straight out of the camera image, the blossoms look fake.

common daisy

Common Daisies can be rather boring. Or, you can clown them up with Photoshop and create somthing that you might even want to eat.

red rose

Not the kind of rose that you would spend the big bucks for on Mother’s Day or your anniversary. However, this red rose bush that crawls up the side of my house looks pretty darn good for a short time each summer.

garden heliopsis

Heliopsis Flower or Garden Heliopsis. This guy looks like a mini-sunflower but without the mess.

lychnis coronaria

A blossom of the Rose Campion (Lychnis Coronaria) that is getting ready to bloom.

wild yellow lily

Alright, this one isn’t in my yard. This is a Canada Lily or Wild Yellow Lily. It was taken at Boyne River Provincial Park, near Shelburne, Ontario, about a week ago. It’s actually one of many in the clump. The lilies in the background have been altered in colour to look like leaves.

Geranium 'Rozanne'

Hardy Geranium or Geranium ‘Rozanne’. Sort of attractive but also sort of looking like a weed.
Like a good storm? Check out the following video I took from my back porch of a storm that hit Orangeville, Ontario on May 21, 2013. Be sure to switch to HD and be sure to hit the ‘Like’ button!

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