norwegian star norwegian cruise line ncl

Norwegian Cruise Line 2013 Trans Atlantic Repositioning Cruises

It’s not too late to get in on a Trans Atlantic repositioning cruise for 2013. Norwegian Cruise Line offers two ships, both leaving Europe in October, destined for Miami, Florida. NCL has a unique way of packaging the product. You can opt for a barebones journey that is extremely affordable but makes few stops. Or,…Continue reading Norwegian Cruise Line 2013 Trans Atlantic Repositioning Cruises

ms renaissance french paquet cruises

M.S. Renaissance of Paquet French Cruises: The Early Days of Cruising

We forget how far the travel industry has come in a relatively short time. Cruise ships floating around our seas today are more like a series of skyscrapers stacked onto a sprawling mall than a vessel to travel between Point A and Point B. I found this advertisement in a 1977 newspaper for a simple luxury cruise…Continue reading M.S. Renaissance of Paquet French Cruises: The Early Days of Cruising