Despite its reputation, Detroit, Michigan has quite a beautiful downtown core. The old mixed with the new makes for a nice skyline. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your personal opinion, the best place to capture a photo of that skyline is from a foreign country.
That’s right, the best views of Detroit come from Canada. The Windsor, Ontario riverfront to be precise. Although I feel downtown Detroit is just as safe as any other major city, many would not agree. Many would appreciate the safety of spending time with expensive camera gear on the opposite side of the Detroit River.
There are plans to cross the Ambassador Bridge into Detroit into the near future. It’s been a few years and I’m missing the Motor City. This time around, I did a quick tour of the Southwestern tip of Ontario to capture video and photos from Sarnia, Wallaceburg, Chatham, Windsor and Leamington. The first video published from this trip, a driving tour of downtown Windsor, Ontario, can be seen below.
After all the video was shot, I had time to just sit and relax on the riverfront. The forecast was for overcast skies and rain showers. As you can see below, that certainly wasn’t the case.
Detroit Skyline Sunset Gallery
The photos in both the galleries below are cropped to fit nicely in the gallery format. To view the full sized images, simply click on the individual pictures.
The six photographs in the sunset gallery are created from bracketed images (aka HDR). But, I did not go at all overboard with editing and each represents the true magic that was in the skies for a short while that night.
High resolution versions of these images and other photos from the same day are available at Dreamstime. Want to earn cash from your own photos? Why not sign up for free with Dreamstime and start submitting now: Become a paid photographer!

Detroit Skyline Blue Hour Gallery
A migraine had been building in my head all day and was at it’s peak while taking the photos below. Still, I’m glad I hung around and wish I could have stayed longer into the night. But, with a pounding skull and a nearly four hour drive home ahead of me, I cut it off here.
It should be noted, there is ample parking along the Windsor riverfront. Some lots charge but the fee is quite reasonable. An open parkway runs for quite a distance. The area is quite vibrant and there is a definite police presence to keep things safe.
The photos in the gallery below are single long exposure images (no HDR here) of thirty seconds in length. Again, to fit the straight lines of the gallery, some photos have been cropped. For the full size version, simply click on the individual pictures.

Downtown Windsor, Ontario Driving Tour
This video was taken earlier in the day. Throughout, there are some great daytime views of downtown Detroit and the Detroit River. At one point, I even scoot through the parking lot where I would settle later in the day.
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Video edited with Corel VideoStudio Ultimate 2018.